Conclusion: Future, 100% and Personal

Looking over the production process to the final performance I could always determine many things that could have been done differently. I then realize when actually in the production process of The Second Shepherds' Play I have a different perspective of what could have been done. When in group meetings, practices or rehearsals we make decisions ahead of time with the resources available to us. In this particular situation we had to change our original plans to adjust to a new theatre and also many changes to costume, props and lighting were executed. This is all apart of the production process. After viewing what the group had done collectively through our handouts, other documents and my own personal mini notebook I carry around I am able to assess what we have done.

In terms of being an actor I myself still believe I did a very good job. I was balancing both the lighting role and acting along with other school work I had at the time. Other school work is no excuse for me however when something like acting is on my schedule. I always try my best to give 100% of my ability to perform. This was a challenge faced by the group because of the groups pattern in attendance and motivation. 

The small notebook I carry around to jot down things I encounter including ideas and personal thoughts.

To me a blog represents personal thoughts. It is a collection of your thinking communicated visually. There is a heavy contrast with a blog. It is very personal but at the same time available to the public. Usually bloggers decide to post their thoughts on the internet, a network that can be seen by millions of people. There are people who may block their content so it is only viewable to them but it is personal regardless. So why a blog? Acting is considered an interpretive art. However it is also creative in a sense. When pursuing a character to me it becomes very personal. Instead of me becoming the character the character also becomes me. I incorporate my own version of this character and perform it to an audience adding my own creative touch. It is personal in the sense that I incorporate my own behavior into the character making it authentic or vice versa where when I have emotionally engaged myself as Mak I am thinking like him. In the final performance the feeling that you are acting is completley lost, for those few minutes when I was performing I am not known as Keethan but instead a sheep, stealing, coward named Mak. In blogs when putting my thoughts down visually I become a different person. I blog because I sometimes hold back many thoughts due to the censorship of society. In a blog you can become someone entirely different just as acting.