Reflection: Laptop, Funny and Rhyming

So the presentation is done. I was very satisfied with our work. As a group, considering we were disadvantaged to begin with, we managed to pull through. If I could do it over again I would definitely have changed a few things. However, more money or resources may have been needed. 

Set: The clothing rack worked well as a door, I would have still preferred a real door with wheels or at least cover the wheels and aluminum bars of the clothing rack with longer sheets. Since we received the rack last minute we misjudged the blanket size and it was noticeable to the audience. If I were in the audience it would have definitely taken me out of the play world. Not everything wacky can be said to be appropriate because the play is a farce. The Group did make a huge error when it came to what was on the set during the final performance. Keeping in mind we do have 5 actors with 2 people helping out with technical elements we missed cleaning up the set before starting the play. I actually mentioned to another group member that we should move some of the other groups props so that is not part of our set. However, in the midst of setting up the production it was forgotten by all of us.
Photos take by Kelsey Sewell
At this view that the pictures were taken which was behind and to the left of the audience the viewer can see the door from Woyzeck, a ladder, stool and laptop. After viewing the pictures post presentation I really felt this would have taken a lot away from the play. The stool would have worked but a laptop and ladder definitely do not belong on our stage. During the critique of our play it was not brought up, however it was mentioned to another group that they could see the laptop in another play and it took away the authenticity of the play world. I am sure the audience saw the props in the background but just forgot to mention it.

Lighting: I believe the lighting did work, however instead of using the room lights to illuminate the area further into the cottage (downstage), if we could have used some of the stage lights it would have created a better effect. I realize maybe even leaving the area where Kailey is lying to be darker so the Shepherds really cannot see what is going on with Gill. There were no comments on lighting specifically.

Blocking: Personally I thought the blocking in the play was done well and it worked with the placement of the audience, however it was brought up in the critique session that it may not have been the best choice. Originally we had the audience split on both sides of downstage so that Kailey was hidden amongst them, however because my back was to the audience for too long in that placement we made changes. We finally decided to place the audience on one side so they can view the stage at a 45 degree angle (some people were watching the play from a side view). This may have caused the audience to focus on the miscellaneous props that were left in our area.

Despite all the things that could have been changed after performing the play we still received some positive criticisms. Many people agreed that the play was funny and that there was a level of seriousness vs. comedy that varied with audience members. Stephen argued he liked the seriousness of it while Jane thought we could have toned down the seriousness of the play. The idea of the spinning door was also agreed upon as a great idea (all credits go to JRS). They believed the door worked and was a very comical element. One audience member thought the rhyming pattern was misused and the actors and actresses were talking to fast making it hard for the audience to understand. I agree to some point that the rhyming could have been improved upon because during rehearsals we over looked them and did not focus on rhyming patterns. In research of the play we did notice the rhyming pattern was very hard to follow. It sounded very sporadic but we failed to make any attempt to make it work.

With all the conflicts that arose from within the group I still believe we did a very good job of recreating the scene from The Second Shepherd's Play. Next time, more practice and strict rehearsal where we recreate exactly how we were to perform the play and we would definitely improve.